FL: Citrus County judge says being on the sex offense registry for life is punishment

Source: chronicleonline.com (found by Florida Action Committee)

Howard decided on Monday a lifelong label as a sex offender was a suitable punishment for Ashlee _____, the Dunnellon 21-year-old who sexually coerced and molested a teenage boy.

After Ashlee _____pleaded no contest to her fate, Howard adjudicated her guilty of soliciting a child for sexual conduct, two counts of lewd and lascivious molestation of a child between 12 and 16 years old and three counts of transmitting harmful material to a minor.

For the first six years of registering as a sex offender during her life, Ashlee _____must serve sex-offender probation, during which she must wear a GPS-monitoring device, the judge ruled.

Assistant State Attorney Tara Hartman and the boy’s mother objected to Ashlee _____sentence.

“She’s been allowed to live her life like she hasn’t dropped a bomb on our family,” said the boy’s mother, who’s identity is being withheld. “It’s upsetting she’s continuing to live her life like she’s done nothing wrong.”

Read the full article [you will need to skip down halfway to the title “Judge sentences woman to probation in child-molestation case, despite objections”


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Wow! My takeaways:

(1) A judge said that being on the registry is punishment!

(2) The judge said that non-violent sex crimes are worthy of the same life sentence as first degree murder, except that it is on the registry!

(3) The mother essentially says that non-violent sex crimes deserve life sentence and never a chance for restoration!

Oh so now it’s punishment when we get the women involved. Very interesting. I bet that judge would’ve never said that if it was a male he was dealing with.

Is the judge saying it’s “punishment” in the actual court transcripts or something the article’s author worded that way?

Compare this quote from this article:

Graham’s status as a sex offender will forever limit her freedoms, like where she can work and live.

With what SCOTUS said in Smith v. Doe:

[I]n contrast to probationers and supervised releasees, offenders subject to the Act are free to move where they wish and to live and work as other citizens, with no supervision.

Though she’s on probation for six years, the supposed statement from the judge talks about forever. Still think it’s a non-punitive regulatory scheme, SCOTUS?

In truth, it’s to our benefit to start having judges issue it as punishment. What better way to prove the “effect” argument of Kennedy v. Mendoza-Martinez? So I say, “thank you, your Honor.”

You guys are living in fantasyland! Quoting cases? Florida hates sex offenders! If she where a man, they would have fried! I’m summary, you have an adult grooming and molesting a 13 year old boy. 13 (in your minds you will disagree). [snip] If I had an adult molesting my 13 year old daughter, I would be outraged! It’s the law. No case law will beat this. I’m off the registry because I got lucky. I also went to LA! Hint. Move on

I think the punishment fits the crime, she’s gonna suffer for the rest of her life.
I know she made a mistake but the law is the law, if she was 18 I’d probably understand how this happened but a 21 year old, should of known better
I do believe her gender played a major part in her sentencing if this had been a 21 year old man the judge would of thrown the book at him.
Far as her future of getting a job or finding a place to live people will help a young women in destress faster then they will help a man so I don’t see her haveing a hard life she’ll probably get married and be a stay at home mom she’s never gonna really have to answer to anyone in society but her PO.
Being on the registry is hard only because the people on it keep trying to live normal lives, people need to stop trying be productive members of society and become A major burden for state of California don’t just sit there and do nothing.
Unfortunately people like me won’t be with you guys for ever the DOJ decided to separate us out of fear of what we could of done had we all stayed together, now after January 1st 2022 Tier 3 offenders will be forced to stand alone while others registrants sit on the sidelines like spectators at a Nazi death camp, hopeing to one day go free

Good luck

Registration for life is a punishment. If you are a first time offender you will spend the rest of your life monitor due to legislation toward the “Flavor of the month”. A computer hack that place objectionable items on a hard drive can place you on the registry for life. Punishment: commonly, is the imposition of an undesirable (anyone really find it “Desriable to be labeled for life)or unpleasant outcome upon a group or individual, meted out by an authority—in contexts ranging from child discipline to criminal law—as a response and deterrent to a particular action or behavior that is deemed undesirable or unacceptable.
Why else would it be in the law. The state of Illinois has such a law, why you ask the person running for States Attorney saw it a way to get votes.

Well stated! Again, if this where a man, they would be in prison! There is a cute Asian/innocent substitute teacher in /////// who groomed a younger student/bribed him with $/video games? I don’t think the registry is going away, but putting her on the registry for life is overboard! Had they put her on for 10 years (I know) would have been bad enough! If this where a man, they would have ? So, there is clearly a double standard! I hired a private attorney for my case. Had I not been bailed out or had the resources to show a different side to my case, I may have spent years in prison rather then settling with summary probation and now off the registry! So, economics can have an affect on your case as well! Interesting: I’ve been off the registry since April. I sleep better! I’ve never received any contact from either LE agency where I was registering? I had to call and verify via their administrative staff! Yet, I only received a document via the court & DOJ! I would love to see if anyone screws up and accidentally posts me on the Megan’s law? Or, cops come by for a residency check? Lol

The judge sentenced her as a youthful offender, but nonetheless felt it was appropriate that a “youthful offender” be placed on Florida’s forever sexual offender registry for life?? (Of course, it is Florida, so there was no alternative – the registry is for life. How alternative of a shorter time frame exists in Florida – it’s always for life.)

My heart goes out to both Ashlee and her victim. I’ve been forced to register for a decade. A decade long nightmare that I’ve endured since my mid-fifties. I can not even fathom the life this young lady will have to endure. It’s inhumane and cruel. Nowhere to live, no goals, no dreams and no hope. While getting removed from Florida’s registry is currently impossible, she needs to move out of that hell hole state.

Presumptive justice, presumptive public safety, judgement or abuse.. oops thats only in bankruptcy laws. Confirmatory testing of character what else is next in the minds of humans in a punishment phase. Example one has a car accident so someone is presumed a wreckless driver so a presumptive law not to drive is mandatory just for one hit car ordeal, talk about skid marks even a slip of the tongue is dangerous today. And yes their have been a lot of slips in life even by government.

I’m sure the queen of England would be shocked on Columbus Day or did she actually discover Columbus’s knights of the round table. Much of this registry is getting to be a bit hazy….xxx

Couldn’t have said it better, US. You’ll right . Guess we are victims or our own circumstances whether with pervasive, persuasive, or adverse, the reaction is still there and does play a huge role in much of this registry for dollars.. Actually this article ACSOL presents has understanding even about these sexual situations. Yes situations do come up and they are all different. even the adverse action can take on a whole different meaning. Adversarial Justice Systems never really studied it.

So one wonders those without sin cast the first stone or go and sin no more. Here the mother is pleading for a lesser stance on this matter or issue and authorities just ignoring her. guess I-phones are the rage today or was Samson brought down by the same adverse action. Even a bit of blackmail hanky panky also by authorities.

All examples are good and understanding the principal is good. Today one wonders if America has any principals in their principalities to actually judge without the whole nation knowing in these at times irrational judgments of a human sex nature. A bit discriminating when one thinks about it but life goes one.

One wonders today what is true judgement. Even Janice says on her website that the punishment much fit the crime. Sort of reminds me of Solomon judging the two harlots which I’m sure one can read up on it. Even the story is enlightening for truth.